  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2867 点击:

      1. Introduction
      1970s, the main aspects European translation studies focused on were the empirical study of translation text, the description of translation process, as well as literature translation (Gentzler, 2001). Upon the massive descriptive research of Hebrew-English literature, Gideon Toury has developed Itamar Even-Zohar’s polysystem theory and James Holmes’s descriptive translation theory (Toury, 1980). Then Toury structured a complete approach for descriptive translation studies (Munday, 2012). The norm of descriptive translation is the transcendence for traditional translation theory norm; it helps translators to build a comprehensive and objective cognation for translation activity, thus makes the translation theories fully used by translators (Toury, 1980).
      2. Cross-cultural elements on descriptive translation
      The descriptively translation studies in Europe has achieved significant development, the main representatives are Toury (Israel), Hermans (Britain) and Chesterman (Finland) (Munday, 2012). Likewise in China, descriptive translation studies is still at starting stage, which is staying at the stage of importing and introducing foreign theories. Some scholars like Liao Qiyi (2000), Zhao Ning (2001) and Han Jianghong (2004) had published related papers on this topic, but independent research is rare to see (Han, 2004). Chinese scholar Lv (2002) criticizes that there are many successfully abridged translation works among English-Chinese translations because of the support of descriptive translation norm, like Gone with the Wind, The Thousand and One Nights which were abridged for several times in Chinese translation. For prescriptive translation theories, such phenomenon may be seen as “disloyalty”, but for descriptive translation norm it is possible because abridged translation might be a result of sociocultural impact from target language, so it could be a strategy of descriptive translation.
      Language is a reflection of national beliefs and social values; it is more than a technical tool for transforming different words; it will not be easily expressed during translating as it carries many concepts of culture, society and politics (Temple & Edwards, 2002:49). Temple and Edwards (2002) quote Overing’s (1987) view that translators need not feel anxious about the lack of literally, but focus on the prescriptive customs from different regions. Overing (1987) argues that “it is not the ‘word’ about which we should be anxious, we should be concerned, instead, about an‘alien’framework of care which is based upon an ‘alien’ set of universal principles about the worlds” (Overing, 1987:76).
