作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3004 点击:

  【Abstract】In academic writing, authors usually use the relevant literature to provide the foundations and support for their own research. In the process, the literature they borrow are the sources for their connecting with the academic community. While referring to those sources,, reporting verbs are used to indicate the stance authors have for the previous study. The present paper reviews the relevant research on source use and reporting verbs, and hopes to present a clear map of source use and reporting verbs in academic writing.
  【Key words】academic writing; source use; reporting verbs
  【作者簡介】王欢(1982.08- ),女,满族,黑龙江人,西藏民族大学外语学院,副教授,研究方向:英语教学。
  I. Introduction
  English becomes a dominant language in international academic community. The wide use of English for academic purpose enforces learners to acquire the ability to use English academically. Usually, academic writing needs learners to read large amount of literature and write critical literature review. A critical literature review means that the writer should at first studies previous work in the field with some insights and also present to what extent these studies are relevant and supportive to the writer’s study. In other words, lliterature review is to develop an argument based on previous studies to present the necessity of the current study and the contribution it could make to the field.
  II. Source use
  Sources use in academic writing has been always a focus in academic writing. It is evident that appropriate use of source materials plays a more beneficial role in helping students learning academic writing. Often research involves reading literature ask writer to critically review relevant literature. The major goal of reading is to review work by others that can eventually be cited in the literature review of the thesis. An important aspect in judging good literature review is appropriate use of source materials into writer’s own argument (Kwan (2009). In order to examine how students perceive source use and their practical behaviour in using source in their writing. There is a special issue in Journal of English for Academic purposes dealing with source use in academic writing.
  The reasons for which form of source to be selected have been discussed in literature. In spite of the importance of source use, EFL students always feel at loss and are confused with such an issue. Although many guidebooks on format of correct source use have been published, students still find it difficult to follow in practical writing. In academic writing, writers need to provide the source of both direct and indirect quotation. Otherwise, it is likely to be regarded as plagiarism. One of the concerns by supervisors is to warn students the serious consequence of plagiarism.
