作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4477 点击:

  【摘要】课前会话秀目前在我校英语组开展得如火如荼,我们称其为“Talk Show”,即在正课开始之前,由一位同学演讲或小组表演,要求围绕本课话题,运用目标句型,但不设场景。笔者进行实践了一个学期后发现,学生目标句型掌握极好;原本不敢大声说英语的学生有了极强的表演欲望;学生的创造性得到了培养;学生整体语言表达能力得到了很大提升。本文将结合案例,阐述会话秀的实践过程及其重要作用。
  会话秀能够很好地培养学生的思维品质。思维品质指思维在逻辑性、批判性、创新性等方面所表现的能力和水平,其发展对于提升学生分析和解决问题的能力具有重要意义(教育部,2018)。以译林新版小学英语四年级下册Unit8“How are you”单元为例,本单元以打电话的形式呈现了老师对学生健康状况的询问和关心,目标句型有:This is ..speaking.May I speak to...? How are you now? I' m fine,thank you. I' m sorry to hear that.
  由此,笔者开展了Talk Show的如下教学环节:
  师:Hello,boys and girls. Whose turn is it today?
  生:It' s our turn.
  生:Hello, I' m Eric.I' m the narrator/doctor/Apple/Apple' s friend/Apple' s teacher.
  生(旁白): Today is Saturday,Apple and Lily are at Apple’s home.
  生(Apple):Lily, 'I m not so good.
  生(Lily):Oh, no! Let' s go to the hospital!   (如圖1)
  生(旁白):In the hospital.
  生(Lily):Hello, doctor. My friend looks tired.
  生(饰演doctor):Let me see.Open your mouth and say “a~”.(做检查状)
  生(Apple):What' s the matter with me?
  生(饰演doctor):You have a cold and a fever. Here are your pills. Please have one day off, stay in bed and drink more hot water.
  生(Apple):Thank you so much.
  生 (旁白):They go back home.Apple wants to make a call.
  生(Apple):Hello,this is Apple speaking. May I speak to Mr.Black?
  生(Mr.Black):Hello, Apple. This is Mr. Black.
  生(Apple):Hello,Mr. Black. I can' t come to school tomorrow.I have a cold and a fever. I need to stay in bed for a day.
  生(Mr.Black):I' m sorry to hear that .I hope you will soon be better.
  生(Apple):Thank you.See you.
  生(旁白):The next day.
  生(Mr.Black):Hello,Apple.This is Mr.Black.How are you now?
  生(Apple):I' m better now.I can go to school tomorrow.
  生(Mr.Black):That' s great.See you tomorrow.
  生(旁白):We have one question, What' s the matter with Apple?
  生:She has a cold and a fever.
  生(旁白):Yes, you are right.
  第八单元的故事板块内容是Yang Ling因为生病打电话向Miss Li请假,第二天Miss Li再次询问情况,而这几位同学在这个故事的基础上,增加了“看病”的环节,,合理而又丰富了文本,并且将第七单元句型“What' s the matter? Are you...”结合了进去,十分有新意。对话教学是英语学习中极其重要的一部分。小组成员通过编排剧本,构思创意,进行对话表演,发展了自己的个性思维、逻辑思维和创造性思维。