作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2811 点击:

  【Abstract】Globalization has a great impact on the contemporary education, especially on education policymaking. In this paper, the impact will be illustrated in two aspects: policy borrowing and lending, and the rise of new education policy.
  【Key words】Globalization Education policymaking
  Globalization has a great effect on education policy, since education should be adapted to the demand of globalization and the development of society and education should be “maintaining competitiveness, increasing numbers of jobs, raising standards and improving quality” (Donn & Al-Manthri, 2010, p.7). In this paper, two aspects of impact will be introduced: policy borrowing and lending, and the rise of new education policy.
  1. Policy borrowing and Lending
  In the context of globalization, education policy-borrowing and lending seems to be very common and there are two types of policy-borrowing: active and passive.
  An active process happens between two industrialized countries, when one actively learns from the other for benefits. For example, education industry in western countries tends to be more advanced and well-developed than developing countries. Many developing countries actively learn from western countries their advanced experience in education;and sometimes, to varying degrees, borrow or directly transfer these western education policies into their domestic land.
  The other kind, the passive process, happens when western developed countries or international organizations provide donations and technical supports to less-developed countries, such as some Sub-Saharan African countries, on the condition that some market-oriented education reforms must be carried out or compulsory courses be embedded into their curriculum system. Clearly, donations and support will greatly promote the economic and social development in these developing countries. However, there is a possibility that these reforms may not be suitable for them. In this case, policy-borrowing is a passive process for the policy-recipient countries.
  2. The Rise of New Education Policies
  In response to globalization, some new education policies have been produced to adapt to the changing global situations.
  The United States is the world’ only superpower and has a tremendous effect on the globe. English, as its native language, has become the most commonly used official language internationally. As a consequence, many countries and regions, in order to be more competitive and communicate well with other countries, have produced a new curriculum policy, making the English course compulsory in their national education system.