  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2616 点击:

    作者:Wang Yue Wang Xin
      【Abstract】The UK modern apprenticeship takes the work-based vocational training as the basic content which includes the cultivation of core skills,, the professional qualification certificate system, and the transition from school to employment. As a successful vocational education mode, modern apprenticeship combines students, enterprises and government together, whose content and evaluation of curriculum is much more related to the work-based training goal, and has a reference and enlightenment function on training courses for business English major in the application-oriented undergraduate.
      【Key words】UK modern apprenticeship; Business English major; Training courses; Application-oriented Undergraduate
      1. Analysis of the education mode of UK modern apprenticeship
      1.1 Carry out work-based vocational training
      UK modern apprenticeship is a work-based vocational training. In the modern apprenticeship training, students generally spend 2/3 of the time receiving training in the enterprise, and about a third of the time in school learning theoretical knowledge. Students will sign an apprenticeship contract with the enterprise, and a master instructor will supervise the training of students in the workplace for production skills. Students enjoy the apprenticeship during their training, and when the training is completed, they will be granted professional qualification certificate issued by the state, which makes training more closely related to employment, and the employment prospects of students are relatively clear. Most of the apprentices will be employed by the original enterprises after graduation.
      In the teaching of modern apprenticeship, the work-based learning situation plays a very important role. The learning environment is not set up in the segregated, special classrooms, but in the real workplace provided by employers who have signed the apprenticeship agreement. Students can directly participate in the real production activities with rapid progress as the independent and skilled laborers. This type of study can closely integrate the training practice with school-based curriculum contents.
      1.2 Attach importance to the cultivation of core skills
      UK modern apprenticeship forms a new curriculum system, namely comprehensive vocational ability curriculum, which attaches importance to the cultivation of the core skills referring to the ability of training experience in the actual production situation.