  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2927 点击:

    作者:Zhao Shuai?Li Yan
      【Abstract】The deep integration of the multi-media technology and English teaching is beneficial to create a illustrated,lively and vivid teaching situation. Aiming at this, firstly analyzes the problems existed in the traditional high school English teaching of China, and how to apply the modern education technology means to make the teachers adapt to the new teaching mode.
      【Key words】modern educational technology; multimedia technology; English teaching
      【作者簡介】 Zhao Shuai(1991-),School of Education Science, Harbin Normal University, Working in Boli High School, Ed.M Majored in Modern Education Technology, Harbin Normal University; Li Yan, School of Education Science, Harbin Normal University.
      【基金项目】This paper is the stage research result of the “13th Five-Year Plan” of the Chinese Institute of Education “Research on Teachers’ classroom behavior in the Information Technology Environment” (160811004B).
      I. The problems existed in the traditional high school English teaching in China
      1. The teachers are in the central position in the classroom and give “cramming education” while the students listen to the teachers silently, therefore, the information is in a unidirectional transmission between the teachers and the students.
      2. The teaching contents focus on explanation of vocabulary, grammatical analysis and text translation, pay attention to reading and writing while neglect the language skill training in listening and speaking.
      3. The teaching method and means are backward,the “teacher+ blackboard+chalk” teaching mode makes the students lack of the language environment without any other information sources for assistance.
      II. The advantages of the modern education technology in English teaching
      In China, English is the second language for students to learn, in spite of the classroom teaching time, the students have few chances to practice. Therefore, establishing a scene in life for the students in classroom and making them learn in the scene is very important.The multimedia technology establishes the teaching situation of harmonious emotions and scenes through various modes such as picture,, video and audio. The students can feel the language in the simulated life scene and conduct situational language practicing again and again, which can force the students to change from voluntary attention to involuntary attention, thus to make learning process relaxed. The environment provided by multimedia can not only create active classroom atmosphere but also increase the learning enthusiasm of the students, in addition, it can effectively remedy the insufficient teaching capability of the teachers and achieve many things at one stroke.