作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2748 点击:

  【Abstract】psychological control is an important dimension for parenting ways. The methods of researching psychological control mainly include questionnaires and observation. The current research on psychological control mainly includes psychological control’s impact on the children and adolescents’ mental health, factors influencing parental psychological control, the influence of parental psychological on children and adolescents of different group and different cultures .
  【 Key words】psychological control; parenting style
  1. Concepts of Parental Psychological control
  Psychological control is one of the core dimensions for ways of parental education and cultivation. It refers to that parents invade children’s inner world by the means of withdrawing their love, blaming children and cause them to feel guilty.  Parental psychological control has negative effects on the individual’s development like making them feel anxious, depressed and causing them to assault others, etc. In 1996, the researcher, Barber published an article entitled Parental Psychological Control: Revisiting a Neglected Construct on Child Development. Scholars began to pay attention to the topic of psychological control. Shaefer (1965) first explicitly proposed the concept of psychological control: parents do not allow children and teenagers to leave them and grow into independent people. “Aggressive” psychological control will hinder adolescents’ mental development, such as self-efficacy, sense of self-worth sense, etc.
  Behavioral control refers to parents’ use of explicit control strategies, such as monitoring children’s activities and whereabouts as well as using rules and restrictions to manage children’s behaviors (Shek, 2005). In contrast, psychological control focuses on implicitly manipulating children’s behaviors through regulating their emotions, thoughts, and feelings(Smetana and Daddis, 2002). Tactics of psychological control include personal attacks, inducing guilt, authority assertion, and
  love withdrawal. Scholars concluded that while “behavioral control communicates that a behavior is unacceptable, psychological control communicates that the adolescent’s thoughts, emotions, feelings, and/or even the adolescent are unacceptable” (Rogers et al., 2003, p. 350). From the existing scientific literature,, while parental behavioral control is positively linked to adolescent developmental outcomes, psychological control impairs adolescent development (Barber et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007; Bleakley et al., 2016).