作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2820 点击:

  【Abstract】The so-called socialist railway culture refers to all practical activities of Chinese people in the construction of new China’s railways under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well as all cultural achievements, which has abundant cultural connotations. As an important part of socialist advanced culture, the socialist railway culture has the distinct features with Chinese characteristics, such as laying equal stresses on economic benefit and social benefit, paying equal attention to enterprise cultural construction and ideological and political work,, forging both revolutionary cultural traditions and advanced culture and so on.
  【Key words】socialist railway culture; connotations; characteristics
  【作者簡介】邱铁鑫(1992- ),男,四川乐山人,西南交通大学马克思主义学院博士研究生,研究方向:中国特色社会主义文化建设。
  I. Connotations of socialists railway culture
  Socialist railway culture in this paper refers to all practical activities of Chinese people in the construction of new China’s railways under the leadership of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well as all cultural achievements. From the perspective of cultural structure, socialist railway culture, as similar to all railway cultures, can be classified into railway material culture, railway spiritual culture and railway system culture. These three factors, as a whole of a system, are inseparable and indispensable.
  1.Railway material culture
  Railway material culture is the external manifestation of railway culture. It takes the materials as the carriers, which is a distinctive feature of railway material culture, and most tightly correlates with human’s railway-related production and lift practices. Therefore, railway material culture is the most direct achievements that were created by human beings in the practical activities of transforming the objective world in railway-related domains, which includes all railway transportation facilities such as tracks, trains and stations as well as various kinds of railway-related material objects. Accordingly, railway material culture shows two basic features: on the one hand, it includes all physical material objects related to railway transportation and production; on the other hand, it is endowed with certain cultural and artistic connotations (Li Guoping, Liu Guangwu, 2008). The practices of human beings in discovering and changing the objective world in railway-related domains, that are embodied in railway material culture, not only created railway materials but also gave these materials the cultural meanings.