作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2914 点击:

  【Abstract】Heroism is an unique appearance of human civilization. According to theory of Western liberating history research, “essence of human history is conflicts and confrontations of civilizations from different regions, most of which is military conflicts. ”This thesis introduces collective heroism from East and individual heroism from West with analysis of typical heroic films, famous grassroots heroism from literature with ordinary ancient heroic literature, developmental history and essences of contemporary heroism from different countries, rise and enriched core of modern heroism with analysis on modern media products, influence of heroism on human society and individuals.
  【Key words】Analysis; History; Outlooks of Value; Origin; Heroism
  【作者簡介】杨秀琦(1986- ),男,汉族,河北张家口人,翻译硕士,云南农业大学,翻译硕士专业,,研究方向:翻译。
  I. Introduction
  Heroism, literally means worship to heroic behaviors. Heroism can also be clearly described as a desire to make a difference to a world, hoping to be noticed by the mass. Although Heroism must be demonstrated by specific events and characters in history but its central values have eternal fascination through time and space. At present, with progressing of globalization, cultures of East and West are uniting with each other.
  II. Eastern Collective Heroism and Western Individual Heroism
  Human history forges with wars, conflicts and everything with bath of blood. Ordinary heroism from East and West used to be exploited by warlords or dictatorships as propaganda that courage people to join their wars and fight for their shared interest. It is ironic that culture of heroism is primarily created by violence, therefore creating collective heroism of East and individual heroism of West.
  1.Specific Introductions
  Due to different historic and cultural reasons, collective heroism and individual heroism has been symbolic characteristics of East and West. However, it is still peculiar for one to identify them. While collective heroism highlights personal contribution and sacrifice for a collective or a obscure ideology and individual heroism highlights satisfaction of individuals and absolute individual value to himself.
  2.Heroism Demonstrated in Films
  It has been a common sense of scholarship that heroism can be clearly illustrated in themes of conflicts, especially military conflicts. That is why the author would like to choose ordinary military films as references. Although these two films are not set in the same time or the same social background but according to criticism but they share a common sense :to fight for freedom and independence of countries and nations.