  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3341 点击:

      【Abstract】The thesis takes the open class of a first year English teacher as a case to rethink the practice of classroom observation. More specific suggestions are put forward for school’s management to improve the effectiveness of the classroom observation, which facilitates the professional development of teachers.
      【Key words】Classroom observation; Professional development; Evaluation
      1.The Introduction of Classroom Observation
      1.1The Definition of Classroom Observation
      Classroom observation is defined as a process by which the observer sits in a classroom , records the teacher’s teaching practices and student actions, and then meets with the teacher to discuss the observations ( Daniel Weisberg, Susan Sexton,, Jennifer Mulhern, and David Keeling,2009).Generally speaking ,classroom observation is conducted through three stages: pre-observation meeting, observation, and post-observation. The purpose of pre-observation meeting is to share information that facilitates both the teacher and the observer to prepare for the observation. The observation stage is about data-collection ,which include the teacher’s and students’ doing and saying, and the interaction of them. The post-observation is a descriptive stage where the observer describes the lesson from different perspectives and the teacher is also asked to reflect on his/her teaching.
      1.2The Purposes of Classroom Observation
      To the teacher who is observed, the main purpose is to allow the teacher to get feedback from the observer. They believe that the classroom observation contribute greatly to the professional development of teachers.
      To school’s administration, the classroom observation is a kind of examination of teaching ability . To a large extent, classroom observations is also used to evaluate teachers.
      2. A Case of a First Year English Teacher
      2.1 The Background Information of Teaching Material and Students
      In Shaoxing Vocational Education Center ,it is the rule that every newly recruited teacher should give a lesson per semester during his first three years in school . After the lesson , other experienced teachers will discuss together and comment on the lesson. They praise the highlights of the lesson and point out the shortcomings at the same time . In this way , young teachers will enhance their teaching abilities greatly.
      This thesis mainly focuses on a new English teacher ,who has been in school for only one year. Her lesson focuses on the reading and writing part of Unit 5 It’s time to change from the text book English base Module 2 published by Higher Education Press . This part mainly talks about healthy and unhealthy living habits. Since living habits are closely related to students’ lives, it is easy to arouse students’ interest. Students who attend the class major in guiding , so they are confident and outgoing. As to English ,they are usually good at speaking and listening, while their reading and wiring abilities are often quite poor.