Abstract: In this paper, we study the following fractional differential equation:
Where with m and n being positive integers, f is
a smooth function and is a integrable function, through mean value theorem and linearize problem, we find the characteristic equation and its solution.
Keywords: Fractional different equation, characteristic equation.
1 Introduction
Fractional calculus includes fractional order integral and fractional derivative, because its valuable applications, fractional calculus has gained enough importance. See[1,2,3,4]
Liouville, Riemann, Leibniz have studied the earliest systematic and Caputo defines the fractional differential.
The paper will study the following equation:
Where with m and n being positive integers, f is
a smooth function and is a integrable function, through mean value theorem and linearize problem, we find the characteristic equation and its solution.
2 Main Results
Proposition 2.1: Suppose that is a smooth function and there is a such that , then the linearization of (1.1) near the equilibrium
Subsitituting it into (2.7), we have (2.5) and (2.6)
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[4] Kilbas, A.A., Srivastava, H.M., Trujillo, J.J., Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations. North-Holland Mathematics Studies, vol. 204. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006