作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2752 点击:

  【Abstract】In the first paragraph of the paper the author highlights that due attention has to be paid to writing.Several fundamental factors have contributed to such a problem.In addition, as far as the author is concerned, the basic skills and sense of English is of utmost significance to the writing.
  【Key words】analyse the common problems; basic knowledge; influence; solutions
  I .Introduction
  This paper attempts to analyse the common problems students have in their English writing and presents the corresponding training methods with emphasis on the training of students ‘ writing ability.In the past, it covered 25%. Now it covers more points than before. Some can see how important the writing is to improve the marks of the students.Then how to improve the writing ability of the students? This paper will analyse the common problems in English writing of Chinese students and also discuss how to improve their writing ability in English.
  II. Common problems in English writing
  In the past years,, we have tried some methods of training the students writing ability. And we have found many problems in their writing. The followings are the main kinds of problems.
  1) Weak in basic knowledge of English
  The students are weak in their basic knowledge of English. Some research wok  has  proved that vocabulary has a direct influence on the writing ability .The larger vocabulary they have,the more contents they can write.Thus the main idea can be expressed better,and the quality of the writing can be higher.So the lack in vocabulary is the main problem that students face in writing.Another problem is the using of the knowledge of grammar.
  For example:
  1.Where are you come from?
  2.My father often go to fish.
  This shows that the students are not.
  Clear about the concept of grammar.At least they are not clear in practical usage.
  2) The influence of Chinese in English writing
  The students often write their English in a Chinese way. They are always influenced by the meaning of Chinese words or grammar and so on .In vocabulary, for example: In Chinese we say 微笑, in English we say“smile”They will just pile up the words according to the meaning of words and the grammar. They use the word-to-word translation method, for example:小心-little heart好好學习,天天向上-good good study, day day up.