作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3518 点击:

  【Abstract】The communicative principle focuses on the use of language, which can effectively improve students’ communicative competence. Listening process is a process of communication, the essence of listening is a communicative behavior. The purpose of English listening teaching is to cultivate and develop students’ ability to use this kind of communicative tools. The communicative principle dominates the English listening teaching in junior middle school, which can effectively improve students’ listening level.
  【Key words】English listening teaching; Communicative principle; Embody and apply
  The communicative principle of language teaching originated in the late 1960s,, in part because the development of linguistic research has given new enlightenment to language teaching. In 1971, American anthropologist Hymes put forward the famous concept of communicative competence in his article on communicative competence. He thinks that this general language theory should include the communicative and cultural aspects, which should emphasize the linguistic knowledge, as well as the ability to use language, as well as the accuracy of structure and the appropriateness of use. On the other hand, some English teachers in Britain, represented by h. g. Widdowson and d. a. Wilkins, established A new foreign language teaching method, namely communicative teaching method. The cultivation of communicative competence in English has become the core and necessity of the current English teaching reform. That is to say, the communicative principle should be embodied and applied in language teaching. Second, the main function of language is the communicative function. Third, the main unit of language is not only grammar, structural features, but also functional categories.
  English teaching is language teaching, the emergence, existence and development of language is the need of social communication, the most essential function of language is the communicative function. Communicative English teaching can effectively achieve the interaction between teachers and students, let students take the initiative to use English, exercise students’ language communication ability, reflect the advantages of communicative English teaching. Therefore, in the process of teaching, teachers should be fully communicative, use communicative strategies and create a communicative environment. Then how is the communicative principle applied in the English listening teaching of junior middle school  Can communicative principle be the dominant principle in English listening teaching in junior middle school  This paper will discuss how the communicative principle can realize the interaction between teachers and students and how to apply it in English listening teaching.