作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:5886 点击:

  下面笔者将以人教版必修二第四单元《wildlife protection》的三段式听力教学设计为案例进行探讨和分析。 
  Step1. Lead-in(Before-listening, show some pictures of wild animals to the students) 
  T: Why do we never see these animals? 
  S: Because they are extinct. 
  T: Why are they endangered? 
  S1: Human beings often hunt them for their fur and meat. 
  S2: People cut down trees. 
  S3: Their habitats are destroyed. They are homeless. 
  T: Wonderful! What should we do for it? 
  【设计分析】本单元话题是wildlife protection,通过欣赏野生动物图片,引起学生兴趣,以问题为中心展开话题讨论,学生换位思考野生动物濒临灭绝的原因,身临其境,模仿动物传达心声,给学生创造了一个良好的语言情境。 
  Step2. Presentation 
  T: Suppose you are one of the wild animals, what would you like to tell human beings? 
  S1: Don’t hurt us. Especially don’t destroy our homes, otherwise we are homeless! 
  S2: If you don’t follow our advice, you will face giant disasters in the future. 
  【设计分析】依托“动物濒临灭绝”的话题,引入新话题“渡渡鸟的故事”,设置恰当的语言情境, 激发学生回忆相关的背景知识,通过旧知识激活英语思维,积极建构新的语言知识。 
  Step1.Listen to the materials and tell the main idea. 
  T: Look at the picture of the dodo. Guess what happened to the dodo? 
  S: Maybe the dodo disappeared. We have never seen this kind of bird. 
  T: Good. Guess what the reason might be for its disappearance. 
  S: Because of human beings’ destruction... 
  T: What is the main idea? 
  S: This is the story of how the dodo disappeared forever. 
  T: Well done! 
  Step2 Continue listening to the materials, and then answer in pairs. 
  Step3 Listen and repeat 
  T: Now listen to the materials again,please speak out the mood of the dodo. 
  Step1. Ask and answer freely. 
  T: Ask the students to answer the following questions according to what you have heard. 
  Step2. Play the role. 
  Ask students to make up the dialogues. Divide them into six groups. Ask students to act out in front of the class. Which group is the best? 
  Step3. Make a report. 
  T: Now make a report and put up it in the form of a poster to advocate people to protect the wildlife. 