  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2910 点击:

    作者:Li Xiaoxiao
      【Abstract】As the public always keep an eye on the equality of education and involving more poor people in qualified education. I’d like to explore the opposite side: How do the upper class utilize and view their education?
      【Key words】Elite education; normal education; social and family influence; college admission
      【作者簡介】Li Xiaoxiao,Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
      What makes me choose this book is because of my curiosity of how do elite schools cultivate so many outstanding students who could be able to attend those top universities and find their position to release their power and wisdom. After viewing the main content of the book, I found that “boarding school” has been indicated many times, which is described as the icon of elite schools. Interestingly I received my secondary education in a boarding school, where most of students came from middle or upper class. Thus my personal experience also pushes me to explore more in this topic.
      Generally speaking, there are some similarities and differences between educating elites and normal education. Both types of education require teachers to instruct students based on their individual situations. However what makes educating elites different are the complex social and family influence and the advantages which their privilege has brought to them. As the author said in the first chapter that the reason we have to “study up” is because “elite education has remained virtually unmapped terrain and remains largely outside the public and scholarly gaze” (Howard and Fernandez 2). As an international student and a student who used to living in the elite boarding school for 6 years, I feel that students of higher intelligence or wealthy family pose many problems to parents, teachers, and society, some of which are even hard to explain. Therefore it is very crucial to bring our attention to this field.
      One thing I feel interested is the curriculum in the elite school. With the solid financial foundation and the unique goal of elite schools, the curriculum seems more adaptable and variable to students. However in elite schools in China, we don’t have so many interesting and special courses because of the pressure from the same standard college admission test. In other words, the lower grade it is, the more choices it will be. Nevertheless,, as the grade is growing up, those special courses and interesting activities are almost faded away from the high school period, especially those perspective college students. I’m very happy to see that nowadays China is opening more choices for students to enter college, rather than the only national college exam. Therefore elite schools could obtain more room to cultivate students and reveal their values.