作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2879 点击:

  【Abstract】Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional cities has achieved stronger increase in speed and scale than ever before, but its bearing capacity has been difficult to load. In this paper, a basic model is used to evaluate the carrying capacity of urban infrastructure,We take three indicators like the infrastructure of transport, the Infrastructure of knowledge spillovers, the infrastructure of public Service, and each indicator contains three different secondary indicators. The infrastructure of transport include the number of transport hubs, the turnover of passengers ,the turnover of goods three index, and the number of transport hubs is the most import index over these index. The infrastructure of knowledge spillovers include three index: the over turnover of local technical market, the proportion of college students and the proportion of primary school teachers and students, and the over turnover of local technical market occupy the highest weight. The infrastructure of public service include the number of wastewater’s treatment facilities for every people , the medical and health institutions for every people and the number of waste-gas’s treatment facilities for every people. The medical and health institutions for every people occupy the highest weight. According to the regular of the weight of these indicators, we can take corresponding measures to release the pressure of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei cities, improve the carrying capacity of infrastructure.
  【Key words】Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; Urban carrying capacity; AHP modle
  【作者簡介】苗童欣(1992.3- ),女,汉族,天津商业大学,公共管理专业,,研究方向:公共基础设施运营与管理。
  1. Introduction
  There are two types of based infrastructure commonly used by most of our researchers: the first one is classified by area, which can be divided into rural infrastructure and urban infrastructure. The other one is divided into three categories by their different natures: the nature of the public product, the nature of the private product and the nature of the mixed product. Infrastructure with a public product nature is noncompetitive and non-exclusive in the consumption process, such as rural roads. Such infrastructure can not be provided by the market because the provision of the market is based on a paid purchase and should be provided by the government; the infrastructure with a private product nature is competitive and exclusive, such as electricity and communication network, should be provided by the market, because the market is more efficient in this product; product in the market with a mixed natures of both the nature of public goods and private goods should also be provided by the market.