  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3437 点击:

      【Abstract】This article describes my views on the documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School. I compared Chinese education with British education. The differences in educational methods are caused by the differences between Chinese and Western traditional culture and national policies. Chinese education and British education have their own strengths. In order to teach British children well, Chinese teachers ought to combine the characteristics of British students with Chinese culture making all the students participate in the class actively.
      【Key words】 Chinese education; British education; Traditional Culture;education method
      Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School,, a BBC documentary, records five Chinese teachers came to the Bohunt School in Britain to teach 50 ninth-grade students. In the progress of teaching, the collision of Chinese and Western cultures had brought Chinese teachers many unprecedented challenges.
      In the documentary, the student’s provocation and ignoring authority is most challenging part of Chinese teachers’ teaching. Compared with the previous learning mode, the long-term learning made them more restless and naughtier than Chinese students. So,in the class, Chinese teachers must spend a lot of time stressing discipline. Using ways of detentions and exclusions to punish them, but it didn’t work. They didn’t feel shame even just found it hilarious.
      This phenomenon is caused by the different traditional cultures of the two countries. Chinese education is based in authority, discipline and ruthless competition. It is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to respect the teachers. It couldn’t be more different from the culture of child-centered learning that has come to dominate British school. So, whatever it is after class or in class, Chinese education emphasizes obedience, while British students are accustomed to freedom. This contradiction runs through the entire process from the beginning to the end.
      In China, it’s common to have 50 kids in one room, but in Britain, the maximum is usually 30. And from the arrangement of seats, we can clearly observe the difference between Chinese and Western teaching methods. In Chinese school, such as teacher Yang’s science classes in documentary, teachers barely leave the podium and pay more attention to the progress of teaching. Students are mostly just given notes which they’re expected to copy and memories. But in Bohunt School, kids are separated into classes of different abilities so that teachers can teach students in accordance of their aptitude and they are also encouraged to ask questions and discuss their work.