作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4516 点击:

  例如,针对五上Unit 8 At Christmas中Story time的教学,曾听过两位老师的同课异构。教师1从谈话导入:
  T: What date is it today?
  Ss: It’s the 20th of December.
  T: What holiday is coming soon?
  S: Christmas.
  T: Yes. Christmas is coming soon. Today we’ll learn Unit 8 Christmas.
  (Ss read the title together)
  T: We always have a lot of fun at Christmas. What do people do at Christmas?
  T: What date is it today?
  Ss: It’s the 20th of December.
  T: Christmas is coming soon.I think you know something about Christmas. Could you tell us?
  S1: Christmas is on the 25th of December.
  S2: People usually give presents to each other.
  S3: Father Christmas gives presents to children on Christmas Eve.
  T: Oh, you know a lot about Christmas. Here’s a book about Christmas written by Mike. But it is unfinished, please work in pairs, read and make the story book together...
  例如,在教学六下 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse的Story time最后一幅图时,老师和学生作了如下交流:
  T: Boys and girls, why did they become friends? Which animal do you like better now?
  S1: I like the mouse because the mouse helped the lion.
  S2: I like the lion because the lion was the king of the forest, it was large and strong. He didn’t eat the small and weak mouse. And they became good friends at last.
  S3: I like the mouse because it’s cute and clever.
  S4: I like the mouse because it’s helpful.
  通过询问学生狮子和老鼠成为朋友的真正原因,自然引出富有德育内涵的名言警句: A friend in need is a friend indeed.在阅读教学中教师要鼓励学生敢于突破惯性思维,敢于对问题产生不同见解,还要及时有效地评价学生的精彩发言,呵护他们的创造性思维。
  例如,六下Unit 3 A healthy diet中Cartoon time板块讲述的故事是:Sam和妈妈一起去超市购物,他们买了饮料、一条大鱼和一大袋米。在回家路上过桥时,Sam手一滑,鱼直接落入了河中。在学生了解了故事大意后,教师抓住了“留白点”设计了这样一个问题:
  T: Sam’s fish falls into the river. If you were Sam, what would you do then? Please imagine and talk about it.