作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4579 点击:

  【Abstract】This paper analyzes the accusative determiner phrase in“A+I”structure in English. The evidence thus proves that the Acc+Inf is a sequence of two constituents, therefore,, that the Accusative has overtly moved in the main clause, and constituents of the main clause may intervene between the Acc and the infinitive. It conclude that the overt raising analysis is to be preferred on grounds of descriptive adequacy.
  【Key words】“A+I” structure ; the overt movement; raising analysis
  【基金项目】湖南省教育厅研究项目 “英语‘A+I’结构的移位及非限制性分析”的阶段性研究成果。(项目编号:17c0774)。
  A+I (the accusative plus infinitive construction) 结构是谓语动词后接名词短语和一个不定式的结构。A+I结构中主动词后的名词短语AccDP具有混合的特性,它同时具备主语和宾语的特点。例如(1)We expected the prisoner to be examined by the doctor.
  1.乔姆斯基(Avram Noam Chomsky)最简方案分析:AccDP从不定式主语至主句宾语的隐性移动。以 (2) They supposed [the children to be guilty]为例:
  2. AccDP的直接宾语特征。由Postal在1974年提出的否定事实,很清楚明了地证明了A+I结构的中要求主句的直接宾语在显性句法层面的移位。其中一个事实是否定吸引。否定吸引就是在主语位置否定词可以随意地添加, 句子依然贴切恰当,而在其他位置就不行了,例如直接宾语的位置。考虑一下例句(3),对比that 和for-to补语、A+I补语:
  (3)a. Harry believes that not many pilots are familiar with Racine.
  b. John prayed for not many of them to be fired.
  c.* Harry believes not many of the pilots to be familiar with Racine.
  在句子(3a,b)中,否定词被吸引到了主语的位置,句子没有错误, 而在(3c)中因为否定词加在了变成直接宾语的成分上所以句子就不恰当了。从句的主语获取了句法的直接宾语特性,这为句子的显性移动提供了很强的有说服力的论據。
  1.AccDP的宾语位置由重型名词(Heavy NP Shift)短语移位来确认。如我们所知,重型名词短语移位只适用于宾语,而不适用于主语。作为显性移动的结果,预计它将适用于A+I结构的主语,也就是直接宾语,可是却不适用于for-to或者that从句的主语中,因为其在整个派生的过程中都是主语。例如:
  (4)a. * Jim proved that  were innocent all of the gang members who had been caught.
  b.  Jim proved  to be innocent all of the gang members who had been caught.
  (5)a. *We proved to the authorities Smith to be the thief.
   b. *I have believed for a long time now John to be a liar.
   c. *I have found recently Bob to be morose.