作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4702 点击:

  教学内容:主语从句(subject clauses)
  1. 学生通过观察归纳法总结主语从句的基本规则;
  2. 在主题语境中正确运用主语从句;
  3. 深化对主题语境“梦想”的理解与认识。
  Step 1: Lead-in
  语境的创设:课前播放电影《疯狂动物城》主题曲,激活学生背景图式。教师提问学生:Have you ever listened to the song before? Which film is it from? 引出电影主角Judy Hopps及其简介:
  The leading character is a bunny called Judy Hopps. To become a cop in Zootopia is Judy's dream. She was determined to realize it despite her parents' opposition. That she strived to realize her dream inspired all of us.
  Step 2: Presentation
  语境的展开:为学生呈现三个小语篇,引导学生思考并推断电影主角Judy实现梦想的三个奥秘。语篇举例:Judy's diary: My first day as a cop
  May 4th, 2016 Saturday                   Fine
  A tough day. Not as good as expected. But that's the way life's supposed to be, isn't it? What pains me trains me. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. What I need is a good night's sleep and then —— to adapt myself to my new surroundings! It's common that everyone needs time to adapt. Keep up courage, Judy! Tomorrow is another day!
  Question: What kind of person is Judy? What is Judy's second secret to fulfilling her dream?
  Working out the rules:
  We can use a noun clause as the                 of a sentence.
  We can use                 to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a statement. We can use               to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a yes-no question. We can use a question word, such as                 to introduce a subject clause when the clause is a wh- question.