作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4752 点击:

  摘 要:随着新高考方案的颁布,小说阅读对英语写作的作用不言而喻,“双减”政策的实施,也使学生的课外小说阅读获得了有力的时间保障。本文结合学生的现有学习时间、学习能力和兴趣爱好,在深入研究新高考题型特点的基础上,紧密结合高考读后续写各类场景,设计指导学生深度阅读原版小说A Dog's Purpose(《一条狗的使命》)的部分节选,解析小说文体的写作特点,提升学生小说阅读的解构能力。并在实践中点拨分类积累语言素材的方法,使学生学会欣赏原汁原味的语言表达,在“悦读”体验中重新建构篇章,将语言正确运用到适当的场景中,以此促进读后续写能力的提升。
  (二) 教学重难点
  (三) 教学流程示意图
  One afternoon I was drowsily watching my siblings (Sister & Fast) yank on a piece of cloth they'd found when my ears perked up —— an animal of some kind was approaching, something large and loud. Before I scrambled to my feet and raced down to investigate the noise, I found Mother was there, her body stiff with warning. Normally, if we saw a person, Mother would freeze, her shoulders tense, ready to run.
  When the human faces appeared at either end of the culvert, both of them had poles with ropes looped on the end. They appeared threatening, and I felt Mother's panic boil over. Her claws scrabbled, her head down, aiming for the space between the legs of one of the men. The pole came down, there was a quick snap,, and then my mother was twisting and jerking as the man hauled her out into the sunlight.
  We darted in all directions, but there was no way to escape. At a complete loss what to do next, I stood rooted, staring up at the road. I didn't run; I didn't move. I allowed the loop of rope to slip over my face and tightened on my neck. The pole guided me up the riverbank, where the man seized me by the scruff of the neck.
  “He's okay; he's okay,” a woman with long white hair stood there above us, her face wrinkled in kindness. Reluctantly, the man lifted the rope off my neck. The woman offered her hands to me: rough, leathery palms coated with flowery smell. I sniffed them, then lowered my head. A clear sense of caring and concern radiated off of her.