作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4487 点击:

  【关键词】英语幽默 修辞格 赏析
  【Abstract】English humor is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural one. It comes into being from thoughts, knowledge, wisdom, inspiration and culture. There are various forms in English humor which can be obtained from contents, contexts and so on, as well as from rhetorical devices. In this paper the author discusses and classifies the most frequently used rhetorical devices by analyzing a lot of English humorous examples.
  【Key words】English humor; rhetorical devices; appreciation
  双关语一般可分成三类:语音双关(homophonic pun):即利用同音或谐音而意义不同的词构成双关;语意双关(sylleptic pun):即利用一词的多种意义构成的双关;结构双关(structural pun):是指由于某个结构在上下文中可以被理解为两个单位的修饰语而造成的歧义,从而引发联想,构成幽默。例如:
  1. Q: What did they give the person who invented the door knocker?
  A: The no-bell prize. (语音双关)
  “no-bell prize”和“Nobel”是同音,发明门环的人被授予的奖励当然是“不需用门铃奖”,乍一听还以为是诺贝尔奖呢。
  2. Officer: (examining a recruit): Have you any scars on you?
  Recruit: No, sir, because the doctor told us to give it up. (語音双关)
  3. Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any change in it. (语意双关)
  4. Why is that lawyer an uneasy sleeper? Because he lies first on one side and then on the other, and remains awake all the time. (语意双关)
  “lie”有“躺卧”和“撒谎”两层含义。因此,“…he lies first on one side and then on the other”表面上是说这个律师睡觉时辗转反侧,实际是讽刺了他两面撒谎,和汉语中“吃了原告吃被告”有异曲同工之妙。
  5. Tom: I saw a man with a wooden leg named Smith. (结构双关)
  Mary: What is the name for the other leg?
  “named Smith”其实是“a man”的定语,但是Mary把它当成了“leg”的修饰语,因此问出了一个俏皮的问题。
  6. Mother : I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums and you sent me a pound and a half.
  Grocer: My sales are all right, Madam. Have you weighed your little boy?