作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2901 点击:

  【Abstract】Under the context of globalization, more interdisciplinary talents are needed for the further development of our country. English for Business Purposes (EBP) is playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, many universities have opened Business English courses in order to prepare students for their future careers.
  【Key words】EBP; Curriculum Design; Need Analysis
  Ⅰ. Main Body
  1. Introduction
  ESP is an approach to language teaching which aims to meet the needs of particular learners. Thus, it can also be defined as an approach to course design which starts with the question ‘Why do these learners need to learn English?’ Indeed, a well-conducted NA can lead to curriculums and courses designed to ensure that students will learn precisely what they need.
  2. Need Analysis
  As a branch of ESP, EBP stresses specific communicative purposes under specific circumstances. In general, the key to need analysis is to find the distance between a learner’s current level and his own expectation or requirement.
  Target needs can be divided as necessities, lacks and wants.
  a. Necessities
  ‘Necessities’ are defined as the type of need determined by the demands of the target situation, that is, what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation. In other words, necessities refer to the linguistic features and functions required in a specific context.
  b. Lacks
  ‘Lacks’ refer to the gap between the necessities and what the learner already knows. That is to say, it is the gap between the current proficiency and the target proficiency. To decide what necessities the learner lacks, we must find what he already knows first.
  c. Wants
  ‘Necessities’ and ‘lacks’ mentioned above are relatively objective needs, but ‘wants’ are rather subjective. ‘Wants’ are what the learner himself thinks he needs to learn in order to function effectively in the target situation. Therefore, ‘wants’ differ from one person to another. The higher standard the learner sets for himself, the more he wants.
  3. Implications for EBP Curriculum Design
  3.1 Achieving a Balance between ‘Business’ and ‘English’
  The question which bothers a lot of schools is that whether they should put the emphasis on ‘Business’ or ‘English’. The dominant view is that the focus should be on English, and other courses about economics or management begin in the second or third year. However, it is not necessary for us to decide a ‘focus’ on any part. ‘Business’ and ‘English’ should be integrated. They are all necessities for students. Students should be encouraged to learn both in a systematic way.