  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
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  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3825 点击:

    作者:Zhu Shuxian
      【Abstract】In this essay, it explains the “task-based curriculum”, then describes the advantages of task-based language teaching from theoretical and practical perspectives, and further presents pedagogical implications of English teaching and learning that could be applied in Chinese universities as well as discusses possible challenges that university teachers may encounter in the teaching process. Since the major concern is task-based language teaching (TBLT), this essay will come to launch describing on a basis of TBLT theory.
      【Key words】task-based language teaching; language learners; Chinese universities
      【作者簡介】Zhu Shuxian, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Zhejiang College.
      Task-based curriculum, as the name suggests, is to design a curriculum comprised of several tasks. It addresses both content and methodology, to be more specific, it focuses on two questions: how should tasks be presented in the syllabus and how to utilize tasks in the classroom (Ellis, 2009). As the previous studies show,, “[A] task is any activities that learners engage in to further the process of learning a language” (Williams & Burden, 1997, p.168), as well as learning activities which mainly emphasize communicative purposes instead of language itself (Willis, 1996). Task-based language teaching is often seen as a communicative approach used by teachers to improve learner’s communicative competence, in other words, when preplanning the curriculum, tasks should be designed in a communicative setting.
      Ellis (2009) indicates that the primary focus, meaning, together with a precise outcome, are key precepts of TBLT. Consequently, university teachers are responsible to create a learner-oriented classroom atmosphere and provide opportunities for learners to express their own ideas freely. Furthermore, teachers do not need to correct every error, unlike what high school teachers usually do, considering that more significance should be attached to processing information for communication. Usually for language teaching, teachers aim to specify the teaching outcome as the appropriate use of language, however, TBLT highlights how to apply the language to practical use. For instance, if university students could effectively finish writing assignments by using the phrases and expressions they have learned from class tasks, then the expectant learning outcome of TBLT is attained.
      There are many strong arguments in favor of task-based language teaching and learning. Theoretically speaking, TBLT could “encourage self-directed rather than teacher-directed learning” and “promote intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivation” (Nunan, 2004, p.12). In a grammar-based approach, the focus is on accuracy while in communicative language teaching (CLT), fluency is more significant. Generally speaking, grammar-based teaching can be very boring for most Chinese university students, especially for those learners demonstrating unsatisfactory language proficiency level. But under the TBLT circumstance, they tend to actively participate in various classroom activities with motivation because their initial desire is to express their own opinions instead of pursuing a high score directly. They are allowed to “neglect” grammar rules temporarily when they communicate with others, meaning that grammatical errors are permitted to be presented when they talk as long as the communicative function of the designed classroom tasks are fulfilled. Furthermore, they are encouraged to apply the knowledge to real world tasks, making progress and improving themselves.