作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2641 点击:

  【Abstract】The senior high school reading teaching is an important part of English teaching. English curriculum standard has been widely implemented and provided task—based language teaching through giving students more opportunities for oral and written English. What is more important is to show three stages of task—based language teaching: pre-task, while-task and post-task.
  【Key words】Task-Based Language Teaching; Senior High School English Reading
  Task--based language teaching refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching. Some of its proponents present it as a logical further development of Communicative Language Teaching since it draws on several principles that formed part of the Communicative Language Teaching movement from the 1980s.
  Task-Based Language Teaching, which puts great emphasis on learning by doing, refers to a language teaching method from the 1980s and is a further development of Communicative Language Teaching.
  The purpose of TBLT is to enable senior high school students to learn language through diverse tasks designed  by the English teacher. During the completion of a task ,the teacher is supposed to absolutely develop learners’ cognitive ability and motivate the resources of their existing target language in a learning way of involvement、experience、interaction、communication and cooperation. Moreover, learners should be expected to experience、feel、recognize and use the target language in the teaching practice. Moreover, learning and using by doing reflect a more advanced teaching idea, which is an effective foreign language teaching method worthy of promotion.
  TBLT is used by senior high school English teachers to design diverse communicative learning tasks and gets students to possess the ability to use language, the ability to think, the ability to create,, the ability to create, the ability to self-instruct and the ability to collaborate during the process of the completion of the task. This teaching model, which has a very profound theoretical basis, is being initiated in our current foreign language teaching.
  2.1 Basic Components of a Task
  Clark, Scarino and Brownell reckon that a task should include four components: purpose, context, process and product.
  2.1.1 Purpose:
  To ensure that students are supposed to have reasons for executing and completing a task.