作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3237 点击:
  本节课是笔者在江苏省中小学课堂教学改革区域推进现场会上执教的高三英语拓展阅读课,课堂以“A Lobster Walking into a Party”为载体开展拓展阅读,立足教育教学规律和学生成长规律,落实“立学课堂”在马塘中学的“灵动实践”,把“让学”“伴学”“展学”与“立学课堂”的“限时讲授”“合作学习”“踊跃展示”对应起来,把培育学生核心素养作为目标导向,充分发挥现代教育技术和问题导学、合作学习的效能。
  Step 1 Lead-in
  T:Today we will read a story. First let's look at the title. From this title, what information can you get? Who is the character of the story?
  S:(齐)A lobster.
  T:Where did the story happen?
  S:(齐)At a party.
  T:What happened at the party?
  S:(齐)A lobster walked into the party.
  Step 2 Understanding the story
  T:Then why did a lobster walk into the party and how? Please read Paragraph 3-13 silently and quickly and answer the five questions on your paper. (5 minutes)
  T:Question 1: Who was Little Brother?
  S1:A young painter, who went to France to pursue his dream bravely.
  T:Then why did he go to France?
  S2:To surround himself with beauty and inspiration and to be an artist.
  T:From this, what kind of person do you think Little Brother was?
  (一个问题后再追加两个问题帮助学生更好地了解Little Brother具备的品质。)
  T:Question 2:  How did he pursue his dream?
  S4:He lived on the cheap every day, visited museums, travelled to picturesque places, bravely spoke to everyone he met and showed his work to anyone who would like it.
  T:Then can you tell me what qualities Little Brother had?
  S5:Hardworking, brave, and persistent.
  Step 3 Analyzing the plot
  T:After answering all my questions, you have summarized all the qualities of Little Brother, such as ambitious, hardworking, brave, persistent, enterprising, confident, flexible, humorous and so on. And you must have found that the writer shows Little Brother's feelings by describing his actions. Now please finish the story-line. The upper part is his action and the lower part is his feelings. I can show you an example.
  T:Now who'd like to present your work to your classmates?
  Step 4 Exploring the theme
  T:You have done a good job. We know someone told the story to the author, and then the author retold the story to us. Why did he want to retell the story? Read paragraphs 1-2 & 14-18 loudly and answer the following questions: What influence does the story have on the author? What does the author intend to convey by telling us the story?
  T:Who can answer the first question?