作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3053 点击:

  【Abstract】Hua Mulan is a famous woman in ancient China. In modern society, multimedia technology is used to present a classic image of women in ancient China. Through the analysis towards the Disney animated film Mulan (1998) and the Chinese film Mulan (2009), the author gets the different opinions toward Chinese women in both modern China and the United States and analysis the culture behind the two films. As a new cultural carrier, the two films add the American values such as the idea of independence and the modern Chinese values when display the image of ancient Chinese female. So the interpretation towards the films can reveal the cultural difference between China and America. The cultural difference then in turn explains the importance of cultural diversity to promote the richness of film production.
  【Key words】Hua Mulan; female image; cultural value; film
  Hua Mulan is a heroine who took the place of her father and joined the army, described in a famous Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. The poem was written during the Northern Wei dynasty, first recorded in the Musical Records of Old and New from Southern and Northern Dynasties. In 1998, her story was adapted for an animated cartoon called Mulan in a Disney amusement center in the United States, to the acclaim of all over the world. Not come singly but in pairs, in 2009, Zhao Wei, a famous actress, acted as Mulan in a Chinese movie also called Mulan. Although both the films were adapted from the same prototype, there are differences: the Disney one was created from the point of view of the foreigners while the Chinese version was made by modern Chinese. Thus, the connotative meanings of the two films are different, which indicates the cultural difference between two nations.
  1. Brief introduction of cultural communication
  The transmission of preferences, beliefs, and norms of behavior, which is the result of social interactions across and within generations, is called cultural transmission. Language is an important carrier of culture. For example, literature is one of the forms. Now, with the trend of globalization, the cross culture communication is getting important. Globalization is a paradigm about sourcing talent from where it is best available, sourcing capital from where it is cheapest,, producing where it is most cost-effective, and selling where the markets are not constrained by national boundaries. In addition, the rapid development of the technology provides more convenient ways of communication, which make the cross communication more frequently. And it was not enough to analyze a closed culture. The concern on cultural diversity makes people combine culture tighter with dissemination. Thus, the cross culture communication became a special research field. But different ways of thinking will give rise to various barriers of intercultural communication.