  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
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  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:3515 点击:

      1. Introduction
      At present, an increasing number of Chinese learners are taking English as a foreign language. Oxymoron, as a common phenomenon in English and Chinese spoken and written language, plays a significant role in the application in rhetoric, translation and teaching.
      2. A Comparison of Chinese and English Oxymoron
      2.1 Comparison in structure
      The formation of English and Chinese oxymoron has great similarity with each other, which can be reflected in the following ways.
      (1)adjective + noun:He called my conviction a glorious defeat.他把我的審判结果称为一场表面的败仗,实际的胜仗。(2) noun +noun:They had a love-hate relationship.他们的关系是爱中有恨,恨中有爱。(3)noun + prep. + noun:祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。No great loss but some small profit.(4) verb + adverb:他被活活地烧死。He was burned alive。(5) verb-ing/-ed +noun: a living death半死不活(6) adjective + adjective:a miserable merry Christmas.又悲又喜的圣诞节。
      However,the difference of the formation of English and Chinese oxymoron is shown by the following aspect.
      For English:(7) adverb+ verb- ing/-ed: She was agreeably grieved by the news.那消息使她感到悲喜交集。(8) adverb+ adjective: A mercifully fatal blow.慈悲致死的打击。
      For Chinese:(9) modifiers + headwords:这是我党历史上的一场喜剧,一场可悲的喜剧。This is a comedy in the history of our party, a tragic comedy.
      2.2 Comparison in meaning
      2.2.1 The relations of two contradictory elements in English oxymoron
      (1)Troponym:the modified word is the act or state or existing way presented.
      a careless observation. 粗心的观察。
      (2)Cross-relation: indicated by the modified words whose meanings mutually mingle and reciprocally permeate.
      Serious vanity: a sentiment both serious and vain. 既庄重又轻慢。
      2.2.2 The differences of two contradictory elements in Chinese oxymoron
      In English:
      (1)Cause-and-effect relationship:the modified word which usually is the cause of the condition which the modified word wants to express.
      Cruel kindness: kindness that result in cruelty. 害人不浅的仁慈。
      In Chinese:
      (2) reciprocal or complementary relation
      2.3 Comparison in pragmatic function
      2.3.1 Pragmatic analysis in daily spoken language