  • 刊物名称:校园英语
  • 国内刊号:CN 13-1298/G4
  • 国际刊号:ISSN 1009-6426
  • 邮发代号: 18-116
  • 数据库收录:中国知网
  • 投稿邮箱:
  • 作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2820 点击:

      【Abstract】Intercultural communication has played an important role in many aspects in our life. It is also reflected in our daily teaching. In this paper, the author mainly analyzes some of the reflections on the teaching methods used in the classroom, and links them to Chinese cultural values, as well as to the specific demographics that a Chinese classroom presents.
      【Key words】teaching methods; cross culture; cultural values
      The author has been teaching English in a senior high school for years, and now, there are 40 students in the class, including 23 girls and 17 boys. Referring to the two kinds of genders, girls always have gifts in learning languages, while boys always have gifts in learning science subjects. Though the number of the girls is more than that of the boys, it does not reveal any feature of what it should be in the feminine culture almost at all. Girls prefer to behave like boys, per contra, boys somewhat behave like girls. This class is a traditional Chinese one that is high in power distance. Students sit row by row, facing towards the teacher as most of the traditional Chinese classes do.
      According to the teaching syllabus,, each teaching unit should be divided into four parts, that is, “Period 1.Warming up and Reading”, “Period 2. Language points”, “Period 3. Grammar”, and “Period 4. Using language (Listening, Speaking and Writing)”. For each part, the relative teaching methods vary somewhat differently. While handling the textbooks, the author always uses such teaching methods as Direct Method, Task-based Approach, Grammar Translation Method, and Audio-Visual Approach.
      First, culture values reflected by using Direct Method will be illustrated.
      At the beginning of Period 1, the author usually prepares some questions for leading them into the topic of a new unit, and during this period, only target language—English is allowed to speak, which reflects the high uncertainty avoidance. Question and answer exercises are designed to have the new unit fully understood by students, which is in the direct way of communication, and the author asks the individual student to answer questions in turn.
      Besides asking questions, the most common tool the author uses in class is PowerPoint slides, which makes the class more interesting and effective. The way of showing PPT is in a high power distance because the students should pay more attention to the instruction. It is also in a low context that the background information has to be provided because of the newly-introduced topic.