作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:2995 点击:

  【Abstract】Reading is one of the most important approaches to accessing information and reading ability is the very basis on which high school students acquire a foreign language. This article focuses on the research of reading examination forms and contents to provide some strategies in senior high school English class. Thus, our students’reading ability and testing skills.
  【Key words】English CET; reading strategy; skills and methods
  Survey among the high school students shows that both accuracy of reading comprehension and speed of it are not satisfactory, which is the common problem of most students. However, it is vitally highlighted not only in the old teaching program but also in the new curriculum criterion. And it’s always being focused in English class. Research shows that on the one hand, reading comprehension is closely in relation with students’grasp of vocabulary, reading habits as well as psychological quality. While on the other hand, reading effect is also influenced by reading skills and ways.
  I. Testing objective of reading ability in CET
  According to the CET syllabus requirements in reading comprehension, candidates should have eight skills as follows: to understand the main ideas, concrete information, conceptual meaning in the reading passages; to give relevant judgments, reasoning and expansion; to guess the meaning of new words from the context; to understand the overall structure of the passage and the relationship between sentences as well as between paragraphs; to understand the author’s intention, opinion or attitude; to distinguish between argument and argument.
  In CET English paper, reading comprehension part contains five short passages,, each of which attaches four multiple-choice questions, thus, a total of 20 items with 2 points for each question, a total of 40 points. Each passage has about 400 words on average; therefore, it will take candidates about 45 minutes to read the passages and select the best answer from the four choices according to the questions based on the reading materials.
  As can be seen from the above requirements, reading comprehension part of the examination of the entire examination plays a decisive role in the success. However, judging from the college entrance examination papers in recent years, most of the candidates were still very poor in reading comprehension. The main cause is that they have not mastered the appropriate reading skills, do not know an effective way to access the article information, and do not have the necessary examination skills. Reading is not a passive process, but a proactive activity, so a variety of reading skills cooperating with each other is required; reading is also a process of judging, reasoning, inducting and concluding. Therefore, reading ability and skills is the key to success.