作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:5059 点击:

  布鲁纳说过:“教学过程是一种提出问题与解决问题的持续不断的活动。” 表象地看,课堂结构的安排、教学活动的开展、教学内容的衔接、学生思维的引发与深化,都要依靠课堂提问来串联、组织实施。实质地看,课堂提问关系到教学目标的达成,学生思维品质的培养。
  下面,笔者将以人教《新目标英语(Go for it!)》(八年级下册)Unit 8 Section A I’ll help clean up the city park.为例,谈谈关于初中英语思维品质的培养途径。
  教师录制一段含有“扫街(clean up the street)”、“帮扶老人(help the old people)”、“植树(plant trees)”、“维护交通秩序(keep the traffic order)”等活动并以《感恩的心》为背景音乐的微视频,导入新课。
  (At the beginning of the class, we’re going to enjoy a video of a song. When you are listening and watching, please find out the answers to the following questions.)
  Q1: What is the name of the song? (感恩的心Grateful Heart)
  Q2: Who is the song about? (Volunteers.)
  Q3: (从视频中截取几张图片提问)What is the volunteer doing? / What are the volunteers doing? (clean up the street, help the old people/cheer up the old people/help the old man cross the street, plant trees…)
  Q4: (So, from the pictures we can know the volunteers are volunteering in different ways.) Can you think up other ways to volunteer? /In what ways can volunteers help others?
  S1: Help poor/hungry/homeless people.
  S2: Provide clothes for the poor people.
  S3: Visit the people in hospital.
  Q5: (Just now we have thought up many ways to volunteer. That means there are many kinds of volunteer work.) What do you think of volunteer work?
  Q6: Is it interesting?
  Q7: Is it tiring?
  Q8: And any other words to describe it? Besides “interesting” and “tiring”, what do you think of volunteer work? Is it important?
  Q9: (Now we have known volunteer work is important.) But what ways can we students volunteer? And how can we do it better? (After listening to the two conversations, you will know more about it. Please listen carefully.)