作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4958 点击:

  【作者简介】 郭俊玲(1984.08-),上海立达学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语语言教学、二语习得。
  【基金项目】上海立达学院校内精品课 《英语基础写作》,项目编号:Z30001-17-02-068。
  1. 表对比,unlike, likewise,in the same manner, similarly, compared with, contrast to, while等等。
  2. 表因果,because, since, owing to, as a result of, on account of, for, so, hence, consequently, therefore, accordingly等等。
  3. 举例解释,for example, for instance, as a case in point, such as, that is, I mean, to put it another way, that is to say, to illustrate等等。
  4. 表让步,although, though, admittedly, it is true...but, in spite of等等。
  5. 表假设条件, unless, on condition that, as long as, in case, suppose等等。
  6. 表转折,but, on the contrary, still, yet, nevertheless, however, unlike, whereas, conversely 等等。
  7. 表总结,in brief, in summary, in short, to put it briefly, in a/one word, to conclude, to sum up, to summarize, on the whole, briefly, finally, lastly 等等。
  逻辑接词使用常见问题是主要体现在两个方面:过度使用和误用。过度使用是指在段落中通过重复关键词和指代等方式已让句间逻辑关系足够清晰,没必要再添加连接词。而误用连接词指选错连接词,如表原因,却选用了表结果的consequently,hence等;再如,连接副词However后面没有逗号,从属连词because 大写后面加句子等错误。如学生作文1:
  例1 ①Smartphones allow us to communicate with others via voice, video, and text. ②In fact, with the simple touch of a button, we can be chatting with people from all over the world almost instantaneously. ③ Mobile communication offers a way for us to pass the time during various waiting periods. ④ Instead of staring blankly out the window while commuting from A to B on public transport, we can catch up with friends and family using the text message function or various social media on our smartphones. ⑤Overall, this is just one of the many benefits of being able to freely use a mobile phone in public.
  段落中 ②⑤In fact,Overall應当删除,①②句都在讲手机给予我们的通话方便,重复关键词(communicate with others 和chatting with people)使得两句主题能够很明显的保持一致。⑤句中用代词this指代前句提到可以在车上消磨时间的好处,与上文已有足够的衔接,overall 反而显得突兀。第③句提到手机的另一个好处中间增加过渡词In the addition to convenience factor 则使观点表达更加清晰有层次。④句是一个长句,从内容来看是前一句观点的例证,需要添加过渡短语For example,能让读者有一个思想准备,知道接下来就是举例子。