作者:校园英语杂志社 字数:4025 点击:

  本节课的教学内容是津津有味系列之绿野仙踪The wonderful Wizard of Oz整本书的阅读课,它是美国作家弗兰克·鲍姆创作的奥兹国系列故事的第一部,讲述的是美丽善良的小姑娘多萝茜Dorothy被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国。在那里,她陆续结识了没脑子的稻草人、没爱心的铁皮人和胆小的狮子,他们为了实现各自的心愿,互相帮助、携手合作,历尽艰险,遇到许多稀奇古怪的事情。最后,他们凭借自己非凡的智慧和顽强的毅力,都完成了自己的心愿。
  1. Learn about the main content of the book understand some important sentences.
  2. Learn to analyze the personalities of the main characters and experience their feelings.
  3. Learn something from the main characters.
  1. Learn to analyze the personalities of the main characters and experience their feelings.
  2. Learn something from the main characters.
  Step1: Enjoy the cover of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  1. Ask the question: Do you like reading in your free time?
  2. Show the cover of the book: What information can you know about the book from the cover?
  Book’s name; _____ Author:_____ Main characters:______
  Talk about more information about the book----main plots.(choose one word to fill in the blank)
  Cyclone try asks return Great Oz meets Dorothy
  The story is about a girl called ____. She lives in Kansas, ____ brings he and her dog Toto to the Land of the Munchkins. The Witch of the North tells he only the ____ can help her get home. Dorothy _____Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, the Lion on the way to the City of Emeralds and overcomes many difficulties. After meeting Oz, he ___ them to kill the Witch of the West. In the Land of the Winkies, they ___their best to kill the Witch of the West. They ____ to the City of Emeralds happily, however, the Great Oz is the only a man from Omaha. At last, they come to the Land of the Quadlings. With the help of the Witch of the South, Dorothy goes back to Kansas.
  Step2 Entering the story and get close to the characters: Read for journey
  Friends——Dorothy——Witches——the Great Oz
  1. Read for journey--about friends Ask the students to finish the form in groups and then show.